idon't find Raymond annoying it's just i understand his character, i wish the author made him feel like he lost his sister bond instead of making him love her as a 2nd male lead like look i understand if you think about it he was a kid he knew himself it wasn't agnes fault but he couldn't see his mother one last time and previous agnes was obsessive so losing his mother and her commanding didn't make it better?we don't even know if previous agnes comforted him during his mother loss she just followed him and throughout the years just was obsessive with him without his feelings involved when he clearly told from the start he didn't want to do anything with her and i find previous anges really annoying i understand her character when she was a child but she really grew with it yes she didn't need to receive harsh words but overall she wasn't a good character yall remember when she treated kylo badly and stuff as well anyways instead of Raymond suddenly loving her i think it would have been better from what i see, is that he regrets blaming agnes for his mother and 2nd he missed her as a sibling bond he missed all the times they hung out each other as siblings and regrets not treating her right because seeing her death it made him realise that throughout the time he treated her harshly but could have been better like as a brother instead of author making him love her i think that would have been so much better Raymond agnes ending on a good bond and Raymond liking someone as well, somehow i cannot hate Raymond do you guys agree? Because it just feels like author wants to add more drama so somehow i cannot hate him because i feel like Raymond deserves to have a happy ending as well it wasn't like he was a bad person he had his reasons
your explanation is all over the place but yes fl isnt a good person but that doesn't justify raymond's behaviour towards her. his trauma is not her fault. plus he is literally crazy who just needs therapy. and i think fl behaviour towards ml was like that maybe bc he acts all high mighty in front of ml (ml previously mentioned he doesn't understand why blondie acts all superior towards him) maybe fl treated kylo as a shit bc she wanted his attention. every behaviour in past only points that she actually used to like raymond but raymond is way too high mighty thinking he got it all when he just needs therapy like his dad (and also lets NOT ignore that he legit said if she falls for him again he's gonna lock her up so idk how this justifies any of his actions he's just so creepy)
your explanation is all over the place but yes fl isnt a good person but that doesn't justify raymond's behaviour towards her. his trauma is not her fault. plus he is literally crazy who just needs therapy. and... oshawott
I do understand I'll try to explain better in response but hear me out like you said FL isn't a good person but that doesn't justify Raymond behaviour I never justified his actions and if you think about it previous agnes was literally crazy as well and needed therapy as well it just feels messed up? And nahhh remember when agnes said to ban kylo from the banquet we cannot justify her actions putting the reason "oh its because of Raymond " I just feel like the author now wants us to just hate Raymond and create more juicy drama when in reality previous agnes wasn't a good character as well like previous agnes asked the person name he was gonna dance with to harass her like i don't like how we are forgetting previous agnes reactions and forgetting all about that and making Raymond feel like he was always a bad character , if agnes deserves a happy ending so does Raymond The only true character that deserves pure happiness is rylo
I do understand I'll try to explain better in response but hear me out like you said FL isn't a good person but that doesn't justify Raymond behaviourI never justified his actions and if you think about it pre... MEOWTIGERFIRE
yes i get your point but raymond was always shit towards agnes and still is where agnes has changed (as soon as her memory got back) thats why i think raymond deserves what he got whereas agnes is trying to make everything better for kylo. raymond did not change at all so thats why i dont think he deserves pity just needs some therapy
Whatever past they had being hung up a bit is okay, but lying they were going to get engaged or try to sabotage her relationship with Kyle is a choice he made that makes him an asshole Whatever background he had with agnes
idon't find Raymond annoying it's just i understand his character, i wish the author made him feel like he lost his sister bond instead of making him love her as a 2nd male lead like look i understand if you think about it he was a kid he knew himself it wasn't agnes fault but he couldn't see his mother one last time and previous agnes was obsessive so losing his mother and her commanding didn't make it better?we don't even know if previous agnes comforted him during his mother loss she just followed him and throughout the years just was obsessive with him without his feelings involved when he clearly told from the start he didn't want to do anything with her and i find previous anges really annoying i understand her character when she was a child but she really grew with it yes she didn't need to receive harsh words but overall she wasn't a good character yall remember when she treated kylo badly and stuff as well anyways instead of Raymond suddenly loving her i think it would have been better from what i see, is that he regrets blaming agnes for his mother and 2nd he missed her as a sibling bond he missed all the times they hung out each other as siblings and regrets not treating her right because seeing her death it made him realise that throughout the time he treated her harshly but could have been better like as a brother instead of author making him love her i think that would have been so much better Raymond agnes ending on a good bond and Raymond liking someone as well, somehow i cannot hate Raymond do you guys agree? Because it just feels like author wants to add more drama so somehow i cannot hate him because i feel like Raymond deserves to have a happy ending as well it wasn't like he was a bad person he had his reasons