
AXCEL November 8, 2024 11:48 pm

Wait, it's been a while and my brain's fried from acads and staying up late

I thought Leo was the Duke's niece? Like his sister's daughter

Turns out she's not?? 'Coz she's actually the old guy's (Marquis?) granddaughter???

So.... Leo's like from a vassal / branch family???
Was her mom a cousin or something??? (So their family power isn't strictly for direct relatives?)

    LadyLumiere November 8, 2024 11:49 pm

    Yea she was his annoying cousin's child from what I remember.

    DinDin November 8, 2024 11:50 pm

    Leo is Phileo's niece. The daughter of his cousin (that grandpa's daughter, Phileo's aunt married that grandpa and had her cousin who is Leo's mother)

    Violetdepravity November 8, 2024 11:55 pm
    Leo is Phileo's niece. The daughter of his cousin (that grandpa's daughter, Phileo's aunt married that grandpa and had her cousin who is Leo's mother) DinDin

    Do we call it them being second cousins?

    AXCEL November 9, 2024 12:09 am
    Do we call it them being second cousins? Violetdepravity

    Sounds like they are 0_0

    Wow, it's pretty interesting to know the boleoti power can be inherited by almost anyone who has enough boleoti blood (even a distant niece)

    Violetdepravity November 9, 2024 12:34 am
    Sounds like they are 0_0 Wow, it's pretty interesting to know the boleoti power can be inherited by almost anyone who has enough boleoti blood (even a distant niece) AXCEL

    I think it was already said that the said cousin do have the beast fang too, that's why she stayed and grew up with Phileo. So Leonia inherited the beast fang from her mom. Seeing that most of them have the characteristics of black hair and eyes which is only Boleoti have, indicates that the Boleoti blood is quite thick/strong.

    Capybara November 9, 2024 1:15 am
    I think it was already said that the said cousin do have the beast fang too, that's why she stayed and grew up with Phileo. So Leonia inherited the beast fang from her mom. Seeing that most of them have the cha... Violetdepravity

    Also, Pelio do really love and cherish Leo so much. Even when he met and fell in love with Barria (Leo’s future mom), he told her that if he have to choose between Leo and Barria, he’ll choose Leo. That’s how much he loves Leo

    sophtt November 9, 2024 1:31 am
    Also, Pelio do really love and cherish Leo so much. Even when he met and fell in love with Barria (Leo’s future mom), he told her that if he have to choose between Leo and Barria, he’ll choose Leo. That’s... Capybara

    and that's the right answer as a parent...i'm glad. the child should always come first if need be