Same, don't quite remember when I came upon this manga but it was when there was only a few chapters. Now, I feel it's going to become an incomplete because the author isn't going to live forever and it seems like this is only getting to the middle of the plot ( ̄へ ̄)
Same, don't quite remember when I came upon this manga but it was when there was only a few chapters. Now, I feel it's going to become an incomplete because the author isn't going to live forever and it seems l... BBgBEB
I remember when the updates got more spaced out (no shame to the author for that, I get it, life is hard) but then with less substance, I stopped checking on it for like 6 months at a time. It’s a shame.
I’ve been reading this since like 2007… I don’t know where the plot has gone, I fear I may need to drop this.