
kenmas November 8, 2024 6:53 pm

I have read this for about three to four going to be honest I don’t quite get parts of this? What exactly was happening between daon and the other two? I feel like I started to understand but I became confused again

    Changbin salon November 23, 2024 10:24 am

    What i get is that Daon and Jaemin liked each other but they never said anything about it, they had something like a situationship

    But daon started liking soohuyn and started kinda dating him and Jaemin the psycho he is butted in and threatened soohyun that he'll confess to daon. Soohyun underestimated daon's feelings for him and did what jeamin asked, pretend to date each other
    So they were like OK it's better if noone has daon and they lied that they were dating each other

    Daon basically had feelings for both of them (and he kinda lead on both of them) and they knew that so in order to keep each other away from daon decided to lie to him

    Basically everyone except sungheon is a piece of shit