!!! I do wish that upon them
This kind of trash doesn't deserve to have a say about how they live their life, period. :)
Low borns that can't respect the existence of anything different from them shouldn't exist.
Hopefuly next election will fuck them up, but if it's not the next one, it'll be the next. They're destined to become an extinct race, it's just a matter of time.

Oof no you've got it wrong i think!
In case you missed it we're talking about the recent elections in the usa.
Over there, there are some "human beings" who believe women and other minorities should be striped of their rights, because in their eyes they are lesser humans than they and cannot make decisions for themselves.
This is not a simple disagreement on a trivial matter over diner at mcdonald is it a denial of existence and rights of other human beings!
But i get it, i'm not from the usa either :) so it's okay if you missed it "peepee drinker" :)
Just a last warning though, (if you do look it up :))
Be careful, the stuff they believe in and stay is straight up the most fucked discourse a human being could ever have about other human beings.

Having empathy for criminals and criminal mindset people doesn't make you more human than the rest of us. And actually it's not wishing r@pe for " people i don't agree with" i don't even wish it for killers because even killing can be justified in case it was for defending yourself, your loved ones.. but nothing can justify rape and that is not even the worst part , it's those who think women should carry the fruit of that disgusting act as they're not human as well but baby creating machines and the second worst part is you calling them " victims "

While we have been quite brutal with our approach, it is in no way to frustrate you, it is simply out of shock that one could decide to side with moral monsters instead of humans, but if you didn't know then there's no harm!
I'm sure people have plenty other things to do than look at the elections of one country in particular and i mean it.
The matter is just so shocking I understand why one could be shocked you're showing them empathy when they don't and make a point out of saying they don't care.
It's like if someone was holding you at gun point and telling you if they could kill you they would "to bad the law's there to protect you"
and you on the side line were like "but he's still a human"
LIke??? BARELY??? and wrong timing you know :")
But enough lecturing i'm pretty sure you got it by now
Bruh i don't wish that fate for my worst enemy but certainly for " your body my choice " mfs