And little irene think she slayed!!
Yuzzz ghurlll....
Maybe you should consider the year it was published, most omegaverse in 2021 and more at the past are rape with pregnancy kink. I already forgot them, but my comment was referring to 2021.

Are you a child? Otherwise, why are you acting like one? I don't need any "physician" to check my neurons, chill. I have been on this site since 2017. I know what was the trend and what wasn't. Some of the best omegaverses were released since 2020, lol. Tadaima, Okaeri. Kiraide Isasete. Unromantic. Like a tidal wave. All of these were pretty much released during 2020-21. I only remember that one shitty omegaverse that was popular back then with a blonde MC and black haried ML, lol. I don't remember that shit's name either.

Lol you're the first one calling things like brain rot.
And what only?
Some people here implying that there are babies "only" in rape omegaverses are so brain rotted.
My original comment in this section:
"if you want pregnancy, then look for you cliche rape omegaverse"
Have I implied that all omegaverse that time with pregnancy are ONLY rape?
Because I know that what I comment didnt tell that ALL omegaverse are rape plot.
If I want to generalize omegaverse, I should have worded it as:
"if you want pregnancy, then ONLY look for you cliche rape omegaverse"
And this BL you stated were consensual and was definitely on top notch. But in terms of new releases at 2020's, many omegaverse manga that time has shitty plot, many people get mad on why omegaverse only becomes a justifiable rape plot due to them being in heat compared to some released after 2020's.
I already forget them and weren't on my list because I dont want to read them again. But, there were even a heated topics on why omegaverse become a popular rape plot.

That's a lot of yapping for someone who literally implied that pregnancies only happen in omegaverse plots with rape in them.
Just 'cause you didn't say "only" doesn't mean you didn't say what you said in the first place lol
That's like if someone said "if you want someone's dumb opinion, then check the comment section below" but then backpedaled when people pointed out that not every comment is dumb-- which is what you are lol

Okay I will use your last statement that:
"If you want someone's dumb opinion, then check the comment section below"
In a comment section, there are even negative and positive comments regarding a story, so you cannot apply that every comments are dumb without understanding the context that the user intended to tell with just that few statement (if the user hate or sup. It may even be that the user intended to say that there is someone's dumb opinion right below the comment. Not all comments, but only one.
In this case, YOU are ONLY ASSUMING things on your own. Not even asking the user if he or she meant that all comments are dumb or only just that one comment right below his or her comment.
In my case, I have vast history of reading omegaverse and I know there are few fluffy and sometimes angtsy omegaverse story. The original comment of irene saying that I only know babies coming from rape omegaverse are just Assuming things on your own.
Instead of clarifying things and asking whether I generally meant that all babies from omegaverse comes from rape. Irene quickly call out what I comment like taking every comments generally.
Even when I replied to the arguement, I didnt tell that every omegaverse are rape, I only tell that most have rape. As what all my replies stated:
"I knew there are some, NOT (plenty) of consensual omegaverse at this time around"
"Most omegaverse in 2021 and (more) at the past are rape with pregnancy kink."
Now, you are the actual dumb in this comment for taking all things and statement generally. Without clarifying what the other person meant.
Some people here implying that there are babies only in rape omegaverses are so brain rotted. There are plenty of omegaverse out there with consensual sex and babies, lol. Just say yall didn't read them. It's ok if you think babies aren't needed here, but it's so silly to imply that only rape omegaverses have babies.
Also, the idea that they needed to end the omegaverse because the idea of pregnancy to them is that "problematic" is um... Questionable at best.
I get them not wanting kids, which is fine, becoming infertile in order to prove your love is definitely something else. I also feel like the sacrifices the ML made here were so one sided. Especially since the omega wasn't even sure of his feelings. I don't know if it was love or simply obsession with the only person in the world who understands your constitution.