Because it's glaring obvious. Regular fan translation looks more, if not exactly like official version. The cleaning is done, the typesetting too. Also, when the bot uploads there's no uploader name, been like that since about 2022-2023.
So yeah, don't bash fan translation if you can't even recognize one.

Sorry, but its not "glaring obvious". Good for you if you've only seen good fan translation with cleaning and typesetting done but it's not my case so dont go coming for me as if you know every little thing that has been uploaded on mangago. Second, the sixth chapter has an uploader name and even though I didnt say it outwardly, its probably the worse translation out of the other 5 chapters which is kind of ironic since you said that bots dont have an uploader name. Also cleaning and typesetting has been done on all 6 chapters so I was actually talking about the translation itself. Feels like you're the one not knowing how to recognize a fan translation.

And If I want to pay for the official translation I'll pay it. Since Juju said she'll upload it I'm waiting for them so please stfu I dont need you to tell me what to do if I want I'll do it if not its none of your business. Also please dont take things too much to heart. No shit illegal reading is fueled by fan translation but if the translation from another language to another one is shit then its shit dont need to have PhD to know that.