both can be true at the same time.
and honestly, it sounds bad but the mc literally did nothing to fight back :/ i can understand how women will choose to stay quiet as the man can literally kill her, but theyre both men with almost the same build.. he couldve at least shown some resistance or set clear boundaries but he has done nothing whatsoever. its pathetic and yes, he's both a victim of SA and a cheater who chose lust

No no i didn't want to imply that you were saying ment cannot be SA'd, just because someone has the same build as someone who SAd them doesn't mean they can just naturally fight back, here in this case, the uke doesnt wanna fight back he's both a cheater and an SA victim as you just have said. In most cases irl most ppl still gets SA'd even if they one who SA'd them has the same build as them, they cannot fight back and chooses to be silent mainly out of fear of something or someone.

ooohh im sorry i thought you meant i was implying something else but i also still disagree, because in this case, there was zero threat to his safety. in the first scenario, he simply couldve moved or screamed. second scenario, he simply had to push back hard and set clear boundaries. im saying there's no threat to his safety because the black haired character is known and seen as having a calm demeanor. in my eyes, he simply let himself be in that situation.
but yes! outside of this specific context, i agree with you wholeheartedly

its like telling a victim of rape why didn’t you stop him you do realise that the mc is clearly sensitive and shocked, and he continuously said no to the ml so how is that not a form of resistance? “theyre both men” the double standards is crazy, are you saying that men cant get assaulted?? this isn’t a matter of gender, my guy was forced into intimacy against his own will, what do you not understand

you’re actually so disgusting, he’s so young, imagine how embarrassing he was probably thinking, he already has had issues either his relationship he probably would feel like it would have an even worse impact on his relationship with him, you saying that he shouldve done this and that when he was shocked and touched without consent you clearly dont understand how horrible of an experience being assulted is, i hope you never have to experience it but do not talk as if you’re suddenly a professional in these situations because half of the shit you said doesn’t even apply to this type of situation
Y’all fine with SA and rape but cross the line at mc “cheating”…
This manga OBVIOUSLY isn’t gonna be sunshine’s and rainbows, just don’t read it if you’re not comfortable!!!!