Currently binge reading this...

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚ November 6, 2024 11:57 am

Side Couples are really not my cup of tea, but I kinda like Xingya's because it's funny, the others... Not so much.

I was as shocked as Yi Yun when I saw Ai kissing(?) A, but gladly they said that they aren't blood related, but it still bothers me, so for the rest of the story, I'd be skipping their parts, just gonna skim through it.

The other couple, the one with Lin Shi(?) and purple hair, is also good, but not really my cup of tea, so I'd most likely be also skimming through it. I like the purple hair guy when it comes to gossip tho XD

For He Lingwei, I kinda thought she would be with the purple haired girl, Qin something, I didn't expect that she'd be with the green haired guy.

Other than that, the story has been really good for me, ok gonna continue reading now, currently at Ch.260+

Edit: Maybe Qin and the girl with pink hair would be together? XD
