"Least toxic option" and I'm p sure Haesoo goes on to blame Seonho for everything that happens in the upcoming chapters instead of fucking doing something himself lol
At least after reading the raws I can understand why Won lacks literally all basic knowledge of how to be human. Haesoo is just a lil bitch that thought he was tough shit for murdering people who wouldn't or couldn't fight back.
Won can at least provide protection, food and shelter even if he's nuttier than a Mr. Planter's factory. What can Haesoo do other than degrade Seonho and blame him for everything??

Idk about that a brainless idiot who physically abuses/rapes you but doesn’t actually want to hurt you he just lacks fucking braincells and can be somewhat reasoned with/ manipulated and gives you food, shelter, and protection is *less* toxic than a time bomb manipulative calculating bitch who only cares about themselves and wants you for their own needs.
Plus he’s useless.
They’re both sh1t but it boils down to a matter of intelligent intent of using and manipulating someone as opposed to being dumb as an amoeba and clearly openly fucked up rather than secretly fucked up.

Be so serious we cannot be defending abuse and rape with someone being stupid...even if that made it morally okay it wouldn't be healthy for the person being abused to stay with them...and the twink literally gets violent over his protectiveness of glasses?? And they've remained very close and happy for a long time?? I get I'm missing some info since I haven't read the raws but I really don't see anything changing my mind

I am absolutely not defending it. Fuck that.
Learn to read people.
I’m saying between a clear tasteless scentless poison and one that clearly screams “poisonous don’t drink” the obvious one is easier to handle and avoid, and the other is definitely more dangerous because you’ll be dead before you even realize what happened. The obvious one? You know it’s bad. You’re not deceived, fooled, or taken by surprise. It cannot fuck with your psyche or manipulate you.
I’d take physical control over psychological control and manipulation any second of the day. U don’t gotta agree with me. Just don’t say bullshit like I’m defending rape. I was only insulting the rapist saying his brain is rotten. I did however say evil intent is worse than no intent/ instincts. That doesn’t mean only one of them is bad. Both are shit.
On the other hand, did u seriously just defend twink’s actions? You’re calling obsession and violence, protectiveness? Bffr.
They were happy? Only cuz the little shit got his way, he never once cared for MC either. It’s evident in his behavior. Obsession isn’t protectiveness.
Yall wouldn’t see red flags until they are lunged at you with a 6ft pole and hit you in the face it seems…

If you can't see how saying " rapes you, but" and proceeding to give the reason for it being that he's stupid and saying that he gives stuff to his victim comes across as defending rape I don't know what to tell you. The difference between poison and rape is that rape DOES fuck with your psyche and I'm talking about being in a relationship with either of these options which would take some sort of inability to know how bad it is. This author has pulled some bs Stockholm syndrome stuff before. I'm mentioning the protectiveness (which it is, that word doesn't necessarily have a positive connotation, you can be protective in an obsessive and violent way) because you acted like the twink doesn't care at all about glasses when clearly you care about someone if you're obsessed with them you can be bad to someone without being apathetic to them. I'm fully aware that the twink is toxic, but it's absolutely insane to choose a rapist over someone with a toxic personality. Clearly you severely underestimate how evil rape is, that's literally the worst most indefensible thing to do to someone. It's not at all better to be in a relationship with someone who both physically and psychologically damages you (BECAUSE PHYSICAL ABUSE DOES NOT STOP AT THE FUCKING INJURIES TO YOUR BODY.) than someone who just psychologically damages you.

“But” isn’t a statement of explaining.
“He runs very well but sucks at cooking” the following part isn’t an explanation to the first and doesn’t have to. It’s just different parts to the same entity. So you’re just interpreting things wrongly as you please. It’s already pre-established that there’s obviously no justification for rape so I don’t need to clarify that for anyone with brain cells.
2. Absolutely false you can 100% obsess about someone without giving a single crap about them. Because it’s not about them, it’s about what they can offer *you* and what *you* want. Which is the case here. Granted you can also both care for someone and obsess over them (which is still toxic and unhealthy).
I’m not ganna read the rest cuz… idk wat ur age is but id suggest taking some philosophy and critical analysis classes because you could really benefit from the critical thinking, interpretation, and reading skills they teach.
Lately I assure you there are so many things in life worse than rape. It is a matter of personal perspective and character though. The damage depends on each person. Back to the poison, the thing with metaphors is that they aren’t to be taken literally. It’s about a single aspect. Which I clearly stated as being “able to spot and avoid/ protect against one, and having no means of spotting or defending against the other until it is too late and it’s already eroding you from the inside out”. Knowing what you’re dealing with is half the battle, unless that’s a nuke or a gun to ur head lol. You defending twink directly defends my point, you’d be sipping on poison that’ll have detrimental long lasting effects without even knowing it.
He wouldn’t even have to justify himself to you, you’re already doing all the work for him lol.
This one is also a matter of perspective, both are gross and damaging. But like I said for me it boils down to evil intents and manipulation as opposed to obvious control and violence, and I find the former to be more evil, complex, and calculated.
FYI I don’t ship him with either and dislike both.
Again that’s just to explain my view. I have no interest in forcing my opinions on others. Feel free to have yours. There is no right and wrong in this scenario anyways. Trauma is subjective, and the extent of damage from different types of abuse differs from one person to another.

You're obviously remixing/misrepresenting what you said to make it sound better here. It's not that hard to admit you just changed your mind and you don't completely agree with your previous words instead of of acting like you never said them. I'm not gonna engage with someone who is gonna be dishonest like that, especially not when arguing is stressful and exhausting for me.

Can you stop projecting your shit on me? Thank you.
I absolutely have no changed my mind since the beginning.
I just have two brain cells and can recognize that while I view toxicity based on pre-meditated intentions and complexity, you think in terms of damage. But there isn’t an objective way to measure damage so I don’t think that’s a good measure by my standards. But the world isn’t black and white and differing opinions can respectfully co-exist so I was only attempting to respect your view although I *still* fully disagree with it. ****I simply attempted to disengage from this conversation by respecting that we have differing perspectives****That’s all. I still strongly believe ML is the less toxic option, but have no intention of forcing my opinion on you.
I ain’t even arguing. I simply stated an opinion, you proceeded to wrongfully accuse me something that I had never said. And now you’re once again projecting some fucking bullshit that I never stated or hinted at on me.
No I never once changed my mind and no where did I even say anything that would remotely suggest that being the case. There’s this beautiful thing called agree to disagree, especially on subjective topics. I enjoy debates but I don’t enjoy engaging with children or close minded, ill educated people that’s all.
I don’t understand people who assume they know someone better than themselves…. Esp someone online they’ve never met -.-‘ Now we can both move on if you stop accusing me of shit that I never say or think. Thank you.
The twink is toxic to a degree but I still ship him with glasses because he's his *least* toxic option ;-; like c'mon they at least have cute moments even if he's too possessive