Platinum is so selfish. He can apperantly "die any minute" and yet he joined a dating show...

Silent November 5, 2024 4:52 pm

Platinum is so selfish. He can apperantly "die any minute" and yet he joined a dating show?? Not only that he wanted to date Marianne, who just had her husband die?? Brother what

    Otaku Neko... November 6, 2024 3:19 am

    Not to memtion, shez hurting everyone in this process.. I'm not saying I like Amber but hez literally hurting her.. And doesn't tht Amber girlie have any self-conscience or self-respect? If I were in her place, I would've left that Platinum.. Pure heart? Pure dedication? Nah... You are being selfish af....

    catsarecute November 6, 2024 8:53 am

    bro was acting like a child in the last scene, i understand trauma but amber was literally babying him and he still keeps pushing her away, he's totally self-absorbed