I'm more concerned for those supporting Kinnard and Lou, dude been raped since he was a ki...

Miara November 4, 2024 10:26 pm

I'm more concerned for those supporting Kinnard and Lou, dude been raped since he was a kid and when Kinnard saved him, he couldn't even reject Lou who is clearly dependent of others, he took advantage of this, lol disgusting!!

20 years old but thinks like a 10 years old, he's not even grown mentally to know what is right from wrong, the most uncomfortable couple in my opinion.

Shahid and Yesing is saving this story, both have adult mentality and became a beautiful couple. Apart from that one rape episode all due to Shadid being drugged, they have consensual sex and sort things out by communicating.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! November 19, 2024 1:03 am

    ok we heard you. We're still supporting them.

    EYAH November 29, 2024 8:13 pm
    ok we heard you. We're still supporting them. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    so real gurrrrl

    Miara November 29, 2024 10:15 pm
    ok we heard you. We're still supporting them. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Good for you, I don't remember asking you NOT to support them, do what u want babe

    yoongicheeks December 4, 2024 5:43 am

    Womp womp

    Dede December 17, 2024 3:12 am

    My god the bar with yaoi is with satan himself because what do you mean yes he SAed him but it’s okay it was only one time

    JIN SAKAI December 24, 2024 8:02 pm

    He was taken advantage at a young age and never got to experience a full on childhood. It makes sense why he acts childish, its a sign of past trauma. It can be common towards minors who experienced bad settings who are now living onto adult live

    じんし January 14, 2025 3:40 am

    I come in peace... it's my own thing but I really want to clarify this misunderstanding when I see it. You're not wrong in being uncomfy with their situation. It's not how we would handle things today, but Kenny didn't take advantage of Lou. He rejected Lou many times. When Lou tried to kiss him when he was putting in the salve... Any time he was woken by Lou's servicing... As you said, Lou was super dependant on him so he tried to establish boundaries without retriggering him. He didn't accept Lou's advances until Lou could properly explain he understood how sex/intimacy is supposed to be done. Plus context is a big thing. They don't even have electricity yet. Can't really hold today's understanding of trauma and ptsd against them. The story is taking place about 100 yrs ago. As for Lou... Luckily, that demon didn't start r-ing Lou until his 18th birthday. Lou has super complex trauma/PTSD, but he isn't mentally deminished. He genius level smart and spoke multiple languages by age 5. He was denied socialization and education but that doesn't mean he can't think like an adult. There are plenty of adults raising families with jobs who have less education than Lou. Lou acts childish around Kenny, Raman, & Yexing because he feels safe with them. Anyone else, like Dr Caleb, Mr Gordon, or Devon, he acts more mature. He may use simpler words without societal filters but he understands and communicates clearly. They are the least problematic couple of this story.

    Shadow0w0 February 6, 2025 5:17 am

    So you like grapists? Shahid is disgusting

    Miara February 8, 2025 10:53 pm

    Damn, y'all still replying to this comment is wild, I guess I really pissed some or you off, good, I hope to do it more often lmao. Have fun commenting, I've not read a single reply after the first one

    Epsilon March 6, 2025 5:29 am

    I’m not too far in, but honestly even though Louise has issues he doesn’t come off as mentally a kid to me. Just traumatized. And either way, he IS an adult so Cinaed liking him isn’t pedo. To me, Louis just seems…I don’t have the right words, but scared and naive are the best I can come up with right now. He still seems very much like an adult, just obviously also very traumatized. Ken also cares for Louis, so I have no problems with them being a couple and getting it on as long as Ken is gentle.

    So, that didn’t really make me uncomfortable at all or kill the mood. The only parts that have made uncomfortable are the ones with Isaac *barfs*

    As for Yexing and Shahid, haven’t gotten to that yet so I can’t speak on it.