This is so typical in yaoi ....yeah, lest turn off the phone so the seme would have more...

yeny1626 April 11, 2017 12:28 am

This is so typical in yaoi ....yeah, lest turn off the phone so the seme would have more hard time finding you, and lest follow the creep that we know is not up to no good,... yeah the best option of the list..... ( ̄へ ̄)

    Rhys April 11, 2017 5:08 am

    Really? This is one of the most original BL mangas I've seen in a while. For once the main character actually has a backbone and isn't a wet blanket. I enjoy the characterization the author puts into Taemin. If you think about what kind of person he is, his actions make a lot of sense.

    yeny1626 April 11, 2017 11:59 am

    I am not talking about the character personality, I really enjoy this manga and I really think that taemin is a badass uke, but the thing is that scene is something that many yaoi mangas have. The uke decides for some reason that is a good idea turn off the phone so nobody can localized him, and then go and chase the really bad guy for themselves. At least put your phone in silence, you dont really need to take that extra risk for no good reason.