Oh for me it still the same because I started reading this with the short chapter, updated in 3 parts, like it always have been. When I reread this I skip the official translation because they only use the different name in that update. I swear the names used in the official update is ugleeyyyy FOR ME hhahhaha

Lmao yes for me it's only like that bcs I read the officials first and then it switched but I also get so confused when they randomly change the Chinese names to western. It's also like that in many manhwas like lookism. I was so confused at first cuz who tf was Daniel and everyone's name was Jay, Jake I was so confused but I think it's always confusing when they randomly change the names
I've been reading this story for as long as I can remember, and I just want to know why each chapters are so short and it would took months/weeks for it to update. I'm not complaining (okay maybe I am coz I'm impatient af) but like is this really how it works? Like is this how it normally is? Unlike other chinese manhua that would update weekly or have long chapters, is this like a DIFFERENT TYPE OF MANHUA where it would only be updated for weeks with short chapters, because I also noticed it has the same pattern for 19 days (manhua)
It almost feel like one of those online comics posted on different sns with short updates. Maybe its styled like one of those?
hahahaha i sound so dumb asking these questions, im just looking for reasons coz i really love this manhua. I literally jumped out of my bed when i saw an update today. That being said, thank you uploader, and ofc to the artist