why cant bottoms be weak but top can? quickly? what is the difference between them? its bc one if them is in ur opinion less than the other already bc he bottoms so being emotionally weak is double unfortunate. ur words not mine. u see bottoms as less than the top so u want to see the power balance out by making the top show weakness too emotionally . that’s homophobia

im not gonna read the rest of your stupid comment youre also disturbing the original commenter just reading the first few words and again i can tell youre nothing but a stupid piece of shit, i literally said i was tired of always seeing airhead bottoms getting abused used and manipulated by the obviously stronger top and everyone is just romanticizing this and normalizing it so i thought this was such a fresh breath of air to see the bottom actually have brains and the top be the airhead this time, yet here you are calling me “homophobic” without even a single thought, if i was homophobic why the fuck would i read the story this far? and why the fuck do you keep trying to make me out to be a bad person by making up your own delusions of MY WORDS i never said anything you accused me of and youre still making me out to be some homophobe literally shut the fuck up and save yourself the embarrassment continue being the stupid person you are im muting this thread
why is it always the brown haired ppl being a pushover author has something against brunettes bruh