I know… I feel so bad for him for allowing himself to be treated like this. I also have refrained from saying anything rude regarding Pado since the whole reason why he acts that way. Is due to being hurt in middle school by puppy ( that’s how I call him) however that doesn’t justify his actions. You treat him like shit and then act all possessive when someone else pays attention to him….

When did he apologize or are we talking about the time when he was crying and stuff? and was like forget about that. Personally, I felt like that wasn’t enough. For me an apology would’ve been like no crying no nothing you go out of your way to start the convo that way maturely. Also, was he not drunk when he said that or am I remembering incorrectly?
The last scene with the uke sitting for hours outside the semes appartment with flowers knowing they the same probably cheated isntje HEIGHT OF PATHETICNESS I'M SO MAD WTF IS THIS