I think this is one of the most realistic story and characters in manhwa history. Mainly ...

Junesonata November 4, 2024 2:18 am

I think this is one of the most realistic story and characters in manhwa history.

Mainly because fl is NOT blindly forgiving him when she didn't know his reason for hanging out with bullies.
Like, a lot of girls irl are not that into "bad boy" thingy like most romance author portrays in their works. No. I can promise you all that most girls irl will avoid these tyoe of boys.
Unless they are one of kind

And of course he's also relatable.
His enthusiasm when he finds out they are in the same college, wanting to mend the broken friendship and all.
But also not knowing where to begin to explain about his circumtances back then—but I can tell that he really wanted to tell her the truth. And he knows she waited for him to hear that.

The way FL handles 2nd ML confession is also realistic.
There is a bit of denial, pity, and gratitute(?) If you look at it. She has a BF, so of course getting a confession would only sparks jealousy.
And because her bf picked her up, she just swifftly apologized to 2nd ml for not listening until the end AND THAT IS FINE.
Eventho I feel bad for 2nd ML, but that's it bro. You gotta move o

Btw I also love the way FL and ML communicate here. Especially FL.
She knew her own feelings for ML, she knew ML had feelings for her, and she knew when ML had trouble to communicate some things to her.
She's always so vocal about what her wants and needs. I think this is something that is rare in manhwa.
