Look, at least he's got a password on it. Do you have any idea as to how many idiots across all sorts of manhwas and mangas I've seen leave their phone COMPLETELY unlocked?? No face ID, no fingerprint ID, no passwords, and not even a 4 digit pin... I honestly consider it a huge improvement that SOMEONE decided to put a password on their phone when they could've been like all the other idiots and not do it at all. Though, I totally get what you're saying and honestly agree that it's pretty unheard of, in reality, to leave your phone away from you, especially when you're expecting an important call. I just needed to rant a little about my password-pet-peeve to someone, so don't mind my silly complaints~
Who the hell leaves their phone out of their sight nowadays!!!??!! Mine doesn't leave me that far for that long! It's like an appendage at this point!!!