You're probably just feeling insecure and fearing that he will suddenly decide to leave you behind because he gained popularity, which is fair, but if that was the case there would have already been problems in your relationship. Have faith in the one you love, and maybe talking to him about it and being reassured might make you feel better :)

Its normal to feel insecure but as you've stated, he has been good to you in your relationship and has so far given you no reason to believe this will change.
You have always known he is handsome and tried to nurture his confidence in himself which is good AND it worked. He feels good about himself now.
LDR will always be hard and communication is known to dip a bit, and from what it sounds like, the new role he's taken on could be contributing to his workload and making it harder for him to find time to squeeze in long phone calls/face times/meetups. College is already a nightmare for a lot of people when trying to juggle a new workload/schedule away from home.
It's always a little scary when other people start seeing all the good you've already seen in your partner, especially if you feel you're the one who put in the work to help them grow. No one wants someone to come and snatch that from them.
Talk to him about the dip in communication and see if there is a way you can make some more time for each other.
And let him know that you miss being complimented.
And remember that someone having a crush on your BF/asking him out is not HIS fault (unless he is actively encouraging them which it doesn't sound like he is the type based on limited info).
His responsibility in that situation is letting them know he is unavailable.
He can't control how people feel towards him, but he can control how he interacts with them.
This is just my opinion based on the info you've given.
I hope you're able to talk things out and ease your concerns.
hypothetically speaking., if I had a boyfriend who've been with for almost 2 years and I'm feeling like his ego? or Idk what better term to use, is growing? Since before he's been very handsome. People would compliment him but he is hesitant to believe it. I wanted to encourage him by complimenting him many times just like how he compliments me. However, as time passed he compliments me less but I believe I've been consistent in complimenting him.
Ever since we started college and also began our LDR, we haven't been talking much. But he recently gained more confidence in himself, talking about how he's always been handsome. Plus, He recently joined as a representative for his college as the Mr. I already knew he was handsome and there's nothing strange if others have a crush or like him.
It's just that I dont understand hiw I'm feeling. An I jealous? An I anxious due to his rise in popularity + our LDR? Like, what if he finds someone pretty and falls far her?
But he's always been good in our relationship. He never did anything that would harm our relationship. Idk I'm just confused. I dont wanna cause a problem, I just wanna get this out of my mind.