Anybody else sick and tired of the FL’s complaining?

Jevelle November 2, 2024 11:44 am

I got up to chapter 14 and I’m already fed up with it because she’s complaining about a problem entirely of her own making.

Either help him out and accept that will end up getting you involved or let him suffer his ptsd attacks and wait for the OG!FL to show up. Why is she all Surprised Pikachu that LITERALLY SOLVING HIS BIGGEST PROBLEM BEFORE THE OG!FL EVEN SHOWS HERSELF IS GETTING HERSELF INVOLVED?! Her choosing to step in to alleviate his symptoms only to then freak out and question her own choices later makes her look so indecisive and flaky to me and I’m so annoyed by it.


And what’s even more sad about this is I have no idea how the author could possibly rectify this problem. I understand that if the FL did stick to her guns and went Full Neutral Not-Involved, it would make her look very unlikeable to the reader. But they’ve also gotta keep the ‘I’m viewing this as a temporary position” shtick so they try to make her reluctant.

But maybe it’s a me problem that these two things are not gelling well.
