Finally, someone who gets it. I just reread the entire story and man, I can't even label the guy. I wanna focus more on the story because it's season 1. There's gonna be a major difference between the two situations, especially since JJK and KD's relationship is gonna change. Season 1 is all about their complex give and take relationship, but since KD left, maybe we're gonna start to see more of JJK's pov and why he did what he did

He's a red flag bc it's the least he can do is ensure his sex partner is actually not in pain. Come on we're not monsters. They're first time having sex is brutal. Dan was bleeding but he didn't care. And you writing these paragraph defending him only prove how messed up you're. You and people like you are the only reason Korean authors keep making these toxic ml.

Not only are you inaccurate but you're also accusing me of something I didn't do. When did I say JJK wasn't in the wrong? He's absolutely a red flag. He's absolutely wrong. I hated it when he hurt KD, but I read enough to know that he's not a two-dimensional character. If you don't like toxic MLs then IT'S NOT HARD TO NOT READ THEM.
Let me clarify, from someone who reread, Kim Dan was beaten up TWICE by loan sharks. He was SABOTAGED by his previous hospital's director who BTW sexually harrassed him and caused him to lose his job and permanantly ousted him from other hospitals. I'm not saying JJK is right for treating KD the way he did, but he should at least be looked through a literate lens if you're gonna try to label him according to your broken grammar.

you are reading into this wayyyyy too much, of course sex workers have right no one said otherwise ffs, also dan was not manipulated into taking this job, he was cornered by the loan sharks and his granny's medical bills, it pretty much was the fastest way for him to take care on his both issues. He had the choice to leave whenever he wanted ,he was not locked in nor was he a slave. We as readers love to take everything out of proportion. Its a godamn manhwa ffs .

if you need money and the only way for him to get that money is through getting raped, that doesn't constitute consent. if your options are die of get raped for money, that's not a choice really. he manipulated him bc he didn't tell him what he wanted before having him inside his home (nothing reassuring him that he would in fact be able to leave), pressuring him into making a decision while possibly knowing/guessing he needed the money and having shown him how violent he got when he didn't get his way. that IS manipulation.

did you even read the story he pretty much asked him twice and he gave him the chance to leave? he didnt cause he needed the money, he wasnt manipulated on any way. Jaekyung as a character is an ass and egoistical but never a manipulator, he made himself clear from the begining. stop reading into this so much. Again dan would have left whenever he wanted.

imagine you go over to a client's place (as a physical therapist) and you witness them violently assault their sexual partner before throwing them out and demanding you enter their apartment. you would be a little freightned, considering they are also much bigger and stronger than you (their whole profession is punching people for god's sake). they then make you tidy up their bed and proceed to convince you that it's totally logical for them to expect you to have sex. you weigh your options: saying no to someone who has shown multiple times he's violent and reckless, even with people they have a sexual relationship with, and not getting payed; or allowing them to rape you in exchange for money that you really need. you go with the latter. your client then proceeds to ask you how many partners you've had and you lie and say you're experienced. they take that to mean they can force themselves inside you and they do as such, first with their fingers (which you verbalize hurts), then with their penis. in the end they finish raping you and you get the money.
is that consent? i don't think so
Hot take: Jaekyung ain't a black flag since he's just treating Dan for what he signed up to be (Jaekyung's personal PRN whore)