It’s more about the fact that they can’t draw adult looking women and it feels uncomfortable sometimes when the plot is kinda mature or when de mmc looks older. For example that one manhwa with the darkskin mmc who is a dragon shifter and the white haired fmc which looks 10 years younger than the male lead I don’t remember the name. It’s disturbing that most authors have to draw childlike fmc to portray innocence or naivety even tho the plot is about marriage, pregnancy and sometimes sex. I have conscience that the main target of manhwa are teenage girls and so it’s even more a problem that authors don’t draw adults characters accurately.
Just someone try to and find a romance manhwa just slightly as good as this one (I’m all ears). The characters are good not just a handsome mmc and a bland fmc. Also I was tired of reading manhwa where the fmc has big eyes, little girl wardrobe and body looking no much than 15 paired with an adult looking mmc. Manhwa authors should take notes. Realistic 20 something mc, good plot… Que demande le peuple as we say in French