So basically. Orisis looked in the mirror first and so the person who looks next would fall in love with him. But it was nepthys who looked instead of seth. Which means she fragments herself into two, the real nepthys who loves Seth is inside the mirror while the fake nepthys who falls for orisis is outside in the world.
So before hathor could give the mirror to horus, Seth looks into it. Since horus loves Seth, his real self is not fragmented and he can leave the mirror with his real self intact.
This could be wrong so take it with a grain of salt.

i literally have the exact same question??? whats so different about horus? is smth different about his love, maybe bc hes supposed to become like the greatest gods of all? also shouldnt have hathor been more convinced when talking to the cat god about their love if she believed to have him succesfully manipulated into loving her ? she seemed rather oblvious to her own scheme lol or amybe she just reacted that way bc she acrualy didnt get a confession/proposal so shes still unsure. also maybe the sun god is meddeling? the mirror is from her and it has her and her daughter hathor on the back .. it doesnt seem like her to manipulate hathors love life tho
After reading some comments I want to ask..
Why did nepthys see osiris while horus didn't see hathor in the mirror??