The family dynamic was good. Ririko is trash. "Forcing" someone to be responsible for a ch...

AAAAA November 1, 2024 10:26 am

The family dynamic was good. Ririko is trash. "Forcing" someone to be responsible for a child that is not even theirs & without talking it out before dying is fucked up. Just bc sentorou was the better choice out of the 3 doesn't mean he has to take care of a child whilst being in an unemployed state. She is selfish and I dont even think she was a good mother to meguru in the beginning. & her will not wanting a dna test?
FUCK OFF OMG. Fucking hate her.

    CherryBomb543 November 1, 2024 10:19 pm

    Dude I totally agree, I’m glad the two stepped up for megu but gosh I feel so bad for her. It even mentioned how Ririko wasn’t really a good mom to her either. They should’ve done the dna test in my opinion maybe so then megu would at least know who’s her bio dad was. Ririko is pretty darn selfish in my opinion, it seemed like she never really cared and that just makes me feel even worse for megu.