You know what I want?

Phime November 1, 2024 2:31 am

I want someone else to take this story, someone like Brothers Without a Tomorrow and flesh it out.

Don't get me wrong, I love the translations Aiden, I'm not talking about someone taking it from you, I mean from the original author and artist. Because I love these characters SO much, I so badly want a team to take it that can make it bigger, fuller, more. I love the world of this Manuha and I really think that if a team with the amount of skills BWAT have inner their belt were to pick it up, they could make this thing so insanely glorious.

The absolute best case in my mind, for this story would be to get both teams together and have BWAT hear the entire story. They should then break it into parts and add what is missing, in their opinion. Or add in the building blocks that could make this feel even more whole.

Then they need to get the artists together and first things first, teach them how to draw very detailed, even more passionate love making scenes, kissing scenes, and just overall intimacy. They then need to work together so scenes don't get missed due to an inability to draw it. They should just be in standby in case the artist(s) of this needs help.

Now I'm not saying the artist is bad, if anything I love their work, I just feel like their scenes are lacking. If I didn't absolutely love the art, I would just say BWAT should just get the story and go cause their art is stunning too. I just think that this has the potential to be on par with any BWAT (Smyrna and Capri, Miscreants And Mayhem, Tale Of The Yellow Dragon, Dear Zero, etc.) and that it could do with being added to.
