He was actually hired from the start by the mc's mom....his kindness towards him when he was a child was fake he knew his actual name but decided to call him with another name and he knew the bullying and his loneliness but ignored hahahahaaahahahah bruh.he was playing stupid mind games and the mc had to hear this all from his own mother he wasn't even gonna tell anything after they started dating he was like i was afraid you'd be disappointed with me LIKE OBVIOUSLY???? HE HURT MY BABY SO MUCH I REALLY HATE HIM I DON'T CARE ABOUT HIS PAST so i stopped reading lmao

We read the same novel but you’re interpretation is totally wrong. The mc’s mother was obsessive towards the son and it’s true she hired the ML to look out for him. But in no way the ML has ever showed that he didn’t care about the MC or that whatever he said to him was fake during those years, did you even understand what did you read? He for real felt protection and affection for the MC when he was a younger kid, that’s why he ran all the way to him after during that festival and this is something the ML explains in the book.
He was hired but never once faked his intentions with the MC and actually consider him as a friend. He didn’t play with him.
He also didn’t knew from the real beginning, he has a suspicion but actually got confirmed once the MC mistakenly called him not remembering that he had the same number saved on the phone.
He also waits patently for the MC to tell him the truth to no pressure him and they simply start a relationship once the truth is out.
Yes, the MC gets hurt once he finds out about the hiring part but that’s honestly her mom’s problem more than the ML.
Cause the ML actually stuck with him cause he liked him since the beginning, but he simply thought he was too old to date him when he confessed years prior.
So no, you’re completely mistaken about the sense of this novel.
Also, the ML didn’t want to admit the truth cause he knew the MC didn’t like alphas and he never really told him in the past, even if he didn’t deny it.
Overall, in my opinion, he wasn’t a red flag at all because at the end of the day he stuck with MC because of his own feelings and not because his mother hired to keep a look on him, don’t misinterpret the whole thing now…

Yeah we might have different opinions on this matter and i respect that personally to me the novel was trying to put all the blame to the mother but like i said he had sooo many opportunities to tell him don't come at me with that i was scared cliche if he showed his true colors from the start i really wouldn't feel this way 'cuz he was so different in omega complex it just felt like he was playing with the poor boy until he actually caught feeling for him
Btw the whole teacher student talk at random times made me uncomfortable (my opinion again)
And I'm not misinterpreting I'm just saying what I'm personally mad at i didn't finish the whole story like i said if people are curious they can read it's not like my rant is gonna stop anyone

Why are you only angry with ml? The mc also acted as Belle from Twilight. He never faced Ml and knew who he was, there are also moments where he decides to ignore him. and mc has his reasons, just like the ML They're both stupid in that regard.
and as readers it was seeing a game of flirtation where if they said who they were they lost.

But the deal is that the problem was and always will be the mother. The only thing the ML did was work for her but he actually kept working for her cause he started to really care about the MC and wanted to protect him and this is something he mentions to the members of the club when they ask him about the tutoring job.
The ML always showed his true colors, the only part he omitted is that he was hired by the mother and that’s it.
And that’s not a red flag, cause he didn’t fake his emotions and played with the MC.
He protected him and he didn’t accept his feelings cause when MC confessed, he was too young and naive and the ML wanted to protect him again by refusing him even tho it’s not like he didn’t like him.
And I believe that you misinterpreting this part is actually putting off many people from enjoying this manwha in the future cause not everyone likes the Red Flag seme type of story and you are describing it just like that when it’s actually not true since in no way the ML has ever wnated to hurt the MC and it’s all about misunderstandings…
There is no red flag is this manwha aside the mother who’s actually obsessed with protecting her son but she is doing it in the wrong way
Yeah as a person who read the novel i can definitely say this guy(ml) pissed me off so baddddd like he was acting like shit at first too but they made up but after chapter 74ish i just lost hope for this guy fr I don't even know if i wanna read the novel anymore 'cuz i know the mc is gonna forgive that guy but i feel like i can't y'all