
Turnip October 31, 2024 11:10 am

I've been one of this comic's biggest defenders
But this chapter pushed me over the fucking edge and I'm seriously irritated
I've related a lot to the characters and the motions they're going through so I thought it was all very intentional and well written
But something about this chapter feels like it tossed it all out the fucking window and I actually don't trust that this author is even competent and isn't just jerking everyone around on purpose

On second thought, it's fucking Dami
Fuck Dami
I hate that guy.
He needs to just like go die quietly off screen or smth
The recent chapters with Dami were actually okay ? He has some interesting interactions with Joon
But the way Doha reacts and interacts with Dami feel so fucking unacceptable I fucking hate them and this chapter reminded me of that x100. Doha does not have the acceptable boundaries in place when it comes to Dami, especially knowing Dami still likes him and knowing how Dami has treated (and continues to treat) Joon since highschool (something the author themself just completely moved on from as if he wasn't totally manipulative and abusive)

Everyone has been pissed as fuck at Joon especially for not communicating (and yk choosing to have sex instead of talking, but that's a fair point actually) but it's FUCKING DOHA
Throughout their relationship, he hasn't shown up for Joon and hasn't proved he's a safe person for Joon to be emotionally vulnerable with and still prioritizes his friendship with FUCKING DAMI (fuck Dami, Jesus Christ)
He has this moment with Joon where things are starting to look up when they've been really tense for a while but instead of just being there in the moment and being with his boyfriend and maybe working to figure things out and continue to bridge the gap that's been growing between them by playing out this nice moment, no let's make sure we answer this very urgent call from Dami.

And the worst part is how the author seems so nonchalant about how toxic Dami is and has always been. He's played almost like a comedic foil to Joon rather than the antagonist he actually is.

I'm really just tired at this point . . . This has been one of my favorite stories until this point, despite all the jerking around and lack of communication. I thought the author was really doing something but this just feels stupid now and I don't know if it's even worth it to see how they end up.
Dami and Doha have places one and two on my shitlist, but the author themselves is slowly clawing their way up to #3

    Turnip October 31, 2024 11:18 am

    Also ? Don't answer the phone during sex ?? And I'd you so, don't keep having sex after that ???
    I've seen some really well done and satisfying scenes where the main couple cucks the asshole 2nd ml
    But that just wasn't this. This was uncomfortable and weird af. Especially from Doha, because usually how the phone-cucking scene (not that that's actually what this was cuz Dami was clueless) goes is that the top feels some kind of jealousy/superiority/desire to display dominance to the 2nd ml who failed to establish the relationship. It's kinda toxic but whatever, and it definitely wouldn't have worked here cuz that's not Joon's personality
    So instead we have Doha, who is casually choosing to start sucking dick in the middle of a conversation with someone he genuinely considers a friend.
    That's weird
    That's so fucking weird
    And this scene feels so off-putting and misplaced

    So to reiterate, I've always fucking hated Dami, but I'm realizing more and more that the real problem with Dami is Doha and his lack of fucking boundaries

    Turnip October 31, 2024 11:19 am

    Also ? Don't answer the phone during sex ?? And if you do, don't keep having sex after that ???
    I've seen some really well done and satisfying scenes where the main couple cucks the asshole 2nd ml
    But that just wasn't this. This was uncomfortable and weird af. Especially from Doha, because usually how the phone-cucking scene (not that that's actually what this was cuz Dami was clueless) goes is that the top feels some kind of jealousy/superiority/desire to display dominance to the 2nd ml who failed to establish the relationship. It's kinda toxic but whatever, and it definitely wouldn't have worked here cuz that's not Joon's personality
    So instead we have Doha, who is casually choosing to start sucking dick in the middle of a conversation with someone he genuinely considers a friend.
    That's weird
    That's so fucking weird
    And this scene feels so off-putting and misplaced

    So to reiterate, I've always fucking hated Dami, but I'm realizing more and more that the real problem with Dami is Doha and his lack of fucking boundaries

    Mia October 31, 2024 11:43 am
    Also ? Don't answer the phone during sex ?? And if you do, don't keep having sex after that ???I've seen some really well done and satisfying scenes where the main couple cucks the asshole 2nd ml But that just ... Turnip

    This was one of the most validating and relatable chain of comments I’ve seen in a long time thank you (also you’re hilarious bro ik you’re just mad but you got me cackling over here)

    Turnip October 31, 2024 4:30 pm
    This was one of the most validating and relatable chain of comments I’ve seen in a long time thank you (also you’re hilarious bro ik you’re just mad but you got me cackling over here) Mia

    That's probably one of the nicest things anyone's ever said <3
    And I'm glad I could make you laugh :"

    Nin December 22, 2024 2:38 pm

    you're putting all the blame on Doha while Joon keeps pushing him away everytime he tries to communicate? he always puts others first and forgets all his plans with Doha just to please his classmates?