The symbolism and the background of the mc, his parents story. The small tidbits of flashbacks from the past, the conflict, rendezvous and interconnection with the demonic entity. How he struggled with the relationship w the ml, and his self sacrifice; the sex w a rando just to push the him away in order to protect him. Everything was building up on the eventual climax, how is he saving him— them. How is he gonna liberate themselves from the inescapable 'curse' that has haunted not just them, but also the generation before them, the mcs parents. The whole plot was simply thrown out of the window in that last chapter. Practically, disregarded and omitted. His demon suddenly went non existent? Ml suddenly leaving w no indication and just leaving a single note? The whole characterization of the ml was essentially, stubborn, unwilling and even obsessive. He left just like that, a severe mischaracterization. There's so much more but I'm gonna put a halt. It's like the author suddenly lost all the drive, just passed any shit before hitting the deadline. Im severely disappointed, w his other work already being a classic, at least according to my acumen. This becoming a book that is just good, one that makes you feel good but shelved forever and maybe forgotten in the passage of time. Not, that one would seem to reread, to relive the sheer experience of the ride.

i feel like a lot of the things that you criticized have an explanation. kei’s demon didn’t just suddenly cease, the point was he was never a demon in the first place, and instead his childhood guild and repressed memories that he was never able to process properly. once he uncovered those, he was able to finally let go of what was haunting him the whole time. as for youichi leaving, i feel like he HAD to in order for kei to proceed with his plan to expose the president. youichi knew that kei wanted to protect him so he left so kei wouldn’t hold back anymore. he was able to go through with fighting back without any fear that youichi would get hurt. definitely not out of character and instead shows character development for them.
As a person, I'm ecstatic for the happy ending. But as a reader, it left me with a bad taste in mouth. All the grit and tension building up throughout the two volumes, only to end up with this? It is rather anticlimactic, the intensity and anticipation I was feeling every chapter; gone without a trace in that last chapter. It felt like I was witnessing a different story.