I feel bad for the Dad....

Articboom October 30, 2024 4:45 pm

.....But he was weak, emotionally and mentally. He did eveything others told him to do, never once defending himself or letting people know his opinion. He didn't fight for anything and that became his down fall.
The Dad's life was a very realistic tragedy. In this world you can't wait around nor let others roll over you in the name of love. You have to love and respect yourself first and be strong for yourself not for the people you love. If you make the people you love your identity then you lose yourself and become nothing more then a doll.

His Son almost ended up the same way but the difference is that his Son put his foot down and said no. You'd be surprised how much power you get for simply saying no. No to disrespect. No to others choosing what they think is best. No to others control.
