does anyone have spoilers from the novel? What happens after she leaves
It's a very weird concept..!? What TF it means she doesn't have the right t...
im confused why ian is "disappointed" at her in jail.. also why can't they ...
Ooh it's frustating. Please anyone tell me if there any spoiler? How far al...
I can't understand why (ch 41) FL is like 'ah I'm so arrogant for offering help' when to me, going 'hey, I wanted this walk, but is it a bit much?' is just... considerate? And could not one of them flat out say 'gee, actually, it's not totally awful when I'm around you'... UGH. Is this a normal thing for other people? This doesn't even feel like any misunderstandings, it simply feels like they're both purposely pretending they know how to NOT subtly lie with every word.
I love overdramatic misunderstandings. But this feels like they're both having to work to find anything to misunderstand? I really liked this at first, but now my socially-blind self is going "ffs you guys, no one is gonna win anything if they can seem more ignorant than the other".