Uke was an orphan who became friends with semes mom. Seme mom asked uke to protect seme. A church burned down and uke saved seme and eventually became his patron. Uke tried to take care of seme as hands off as possible which resulted in his adopted family being pieces of shit that took his money and treated him badly.
Seme never received the therapy he was supposed to so he's mentally messed up. Uke is the only person who ever showed any kind of care for seme so seme is obsessed with him now.
Uke is of very passive and non confrontational nature and is definitely attracted to the seme aggressive flame but it just results in him being coy. Author says they are soulmates
im confused about the ukes relation to the seme and no i dont wanna read the whole thing LOL, ive just been skimming and skipping thru chapters