The brewing criticism in my heart lmao. First thought was, " girl, u literally left your grandma w dementia alone to create SO MANY dating profiles for someone else. Wow. Youve just endangered someone who was scammed many times for his kindness and YOUR OWN grandmother because youre so busy being nosy about someone else's relationships instead of your OWN affairs. And NOW you are worried he'd be angry?? How about we also sell you out to men out there huh??"
But anyway, that's just the immediate thought and wanted to vent that out. I'm fine now HAHAHA
The brewing criticism in my heart lmao. First thought was, " girl, u literally left your grandma w dementia alone to create SO MANY dating profiles for someone else. Wow. Youve just endangered someone who was scammed many times for his kindness and YOUR OWN grandmother because youre so busy being nosy about someone else's relationships instead of your OWN affairs. And NOW you are worried he'd be angry?? How about we also sell you out to men out there huh??"
But anyway, that's just the immediate thought and wanted to vent that out. I'm fine now HAHAHA