From what I understand It seems that the "Hero"
originally treats all humans equally and not supposed to value one human above another. In this case Shaayu values Itsuka and forbidding him leaving the party. My guess is if the hero prioritize this person or what they want over the good of those lives that surrounds them. Itsuka became aware that Shaayu have a possibility of going on a rampage like the other Heros. He probably now thinking up ways to prevent that from happening. I think he wants to be with her but also doesn't want to be the reason of why Shaayu becomes less of a hero. In Ch. 2 Itsuka might have been the only other party member left standing only because Shaayu tried to protect him.
Wait. Beelzebub already rewound their time???? When????
Also, what???? She can't be a hero anymore for having FEELINGS for another? What the frick????
Or is there some genuine rule or reason on why shy *must* never treat someone as special???
Because if the curse like thingy going around the going bonkers otherworlders????