ItzTinSeL October 29, 2024 9:27 am

The real villain in this story is his mother for not doing better at trying to nuture him better. Don't know if you guys have ever come across people with higher levels of autism but this is a good representation of it.

Lack of knowing how to respond is a HUGE factor for how someone with autism navigates the world and the mom is usually the one who is suppose to teach the kid how to manage emotions and she definitely failed at it. Although I'm not COMPLETELY DEFENDING THE ML but I not going to COMPLETELY berating him either because his actions are completely influenced on upbringing and his ability to KINDA understand his own emotions and not other people's emotions really well. It is indeed a chaotic as fuCK love story and I'm sure there are people out their who can relate to falling for someone with special needs, so I think inna rational sense the author completely captured the abstract AS FUCK experience of someone on the spectrum falling in love and someone who's not on the spectrum falling in love with them back (with an additional sex change as another factor making the story highlight even more potentional struggles in todays society).

Try not to be toooooooo damn cynical about these bizarre stories that pop because you guys are always missing the bigger picture when you read it from a biased perspective.

[P.s I hope there is a perspective of their little junior being more emotional intelligent we he grows up, you can already see that Baby Boy has issues with verbal communicating all of his thoughts coherently but has no trouble with picking up on emotional changes of others which is pretty neat of the author to highlight that the kid is a perfect mixture of both of his parents character traits. Apart from the kidnapping, forceful sex change and UNINTENTIONAL manipulation from the ML it was a pretty okay story at least in the sense of education for handling people with higher levels of communicating struggles.]

    Psyche November 15, 2024 12:42 pm

    the last part of this reminds me that one clip of the girl that's like

    "i can excuse racism, but i DRAW the line at animal cruelty."


    "you can excuse RACISM?"

    ItzTinSeL November 15, 2024 2:16 pm
    the last part of this reminds me that one clip of the girl that's like "i can excuse racism, but i DRAW the line at animal cruelty.""...""you can excuse RACISM?" Psyche

    That is pretty hilarious..........I CAN SEE IT.