Unreliable Narrator - but still interesting

Akemilly October 29, 2024 6:08 am

Usually, I don't like stories with unreliable narrators... but this one looks promising. As of now, it could be any of the 3 options below:

1 - He actually has schizophrenia;
2 - The girlfriend actually is a monster and transformed his friend in a monster too (I'm still unsure about the girl who called him tho);
3 - He is a monster too, but remember nothing...

I don't think that woman is on her right mind right know tho, so it's difficult to believe her when she says MC killed her daughter. I mean, sure... monsters can exist in this story (since there at least 4 people inclined to afirm their existence - the MC, the crazy lady, the call girl and her frind) but it's very unlikely that all the tenants of an entire building are monsters.
My guess right now is: Monster actually exist, the Girlfrind actually is a monster and transformed MCs friend. There is a monster that looks a lot like MC, and he killed the crazy lady's daughter (or maybe MC is a monster and did it but don't remember... I'm not ready to discard this option yet), and the lady decides to hunt down the monster who killed her daughter but ended up losing her mind (consumed by revenge, because of grief, by the horrible things she saw... you name it, it can be all the options for all I know lol). The call girl is on the know about the monsters, and maybe even hunts them down... at least it seems she was already suspecting MC girlfriend.

Anyway, this is interesting and makes my mind go crazy with theories, lol. Hope it updates soon, I want to read the notes on Girlfriend's phone and see if we get some answers...
Can't wait to read more!!
