This is fucked.

Don't speak to me October 28, 2024 3:11 am

I'm not sure I like the direction the story is going, having his "friends" be an extension of Nanba's security is just... wow. It adds a layer of darkness that looms over the entire series, and theres just something sick about them tugging Jyugo in a certain direction.

Especially, since the recent arcs was about Jyugo becoming more independent and making more choices for himself. His friends were instrumental in that, only in reality for them to encouraging him to make decisions that benefits Hiro and by extension them as well. I know that they're doing this to help him, and that they do care for him.

But they're restricting his freedom of choice, which is just fucked when you consider. That very early on in the series, they all had a talk about never wanting to leave the prison with Jyugo calling it his home because he was "free"—free with them. Only for that freedom and friendship to be another prison.

It also means that this whole cat and mouse thing with Hajime was an act, because Hajime is Hiro's successor and the gang never had the intentions of helping Jyugo escape. It was all an act to keep Jyugo stimulated and entertained.

I was already spoiled into knowing Jyugo joins the man with the scar, and now I know why.

    Kana October 28, 2024 7:08 am

    I agree with you that it’s pretty messed up but we don’t know the circumstances surrounding his friends working to observe him. It’s possible they weren’t given much of a choice in the matter. They are still inmates and that Hiiro guy seems like he would do anything to accomplish his goal, much like the one he was cloned from. Still Jugo’s situation is really sad and I wonder how he will react.

    Don't speak to me October 28, 2024 10:34 am
    I agree with you that it’s pretty messed up but we don’t know the circumstances surrounding his friends working to observe him. It’s possible they weren’t given much of a choice in the matter. They are ... Kana

    I've heard that the next chapter is actually the last one! And that a sequel is still a "what if", so I don't think their circumstances will be explored as thoroughly unfortunately.

    Alan October 28, 2024 10:35 am

    This also mean that kazu is just a farce and nanba is just a miniature garden

    Kana October 28, 2024 5:53 pm
    I've heard that the next chapter is actually the last one! And that a sequel is still a "what if", so I don't think their circumstances will be explored as thoroughly unfortunately. Don't speak to me

    What? Really? Are you sure? I still have so many questions

    Don't speak to me October 29, 2024 6:29 am
    What? Really? Are you sure? I still have so many questions Kana

    Oh it seems I was wrong (thank god), a new chapter is out! Sorry for the scare, I just saw someone comment it a couple days ago and couldn't find anything to disprove it