I could be wrong but, A person without furniture in their home is likely trying to minimize their possessions to make it easier to leave quickly. This suggests a need for mobility and a potential urgency to relocate…. He’s also being secretive and avoiding attention which is a common tactic used by those who are trying to evade detection or scrutiny….And the presence of a tail that's tracking his movements implies that someone or something is actively pursuing him. I feel like he’s on the run and is trying to escape from that someone/situation or he’s just making plans to leave with Heewon’s mom… idk who is following him… so mysterious
Or maybe he’s just a broke ass like u said…
I don’t why i started screeching to the panel where there was absolutely NOTHINGGGGGGGGG in his house
It’s giving BROKE.
I hate this dick slinger so much ( ̄へ ̄)