I made it my personal mission in FFXIV to give my (long suffering) cat boy the kind of ridiculous outfits/armours female game characters usually get. My proudest classes are Dancer, he is absolutely serving, he’s beautiful and he knows it, will absolutely shine as he murders, just don’t put him in the snow the poor boy will freeze he’s got very little coverage. Ninja, how does he move in those skin tight pants, perhaps the lack of good coverage shirt helps. Gunner, a school blazer with a mini skirt and thigh high boots, school girl with a gun ftw. I could go on, but basically, love FFXIV for allowing me to just go feral and put my boy in pretty much whatever I can dream of, and of coarse dye it how I please

I strangely don’t care about fem outfits at all (unless occasionally they're on my male character for fun) or if theyre my friends showing off their glams.
but it truly is a shame that the male outfits just arent as creative but honestly i do not care for presenting overly feminine in mmorpgs usually, unless juxtaposed with a male character, i just don’t vibe with it.
So true, I find male character costumes too uncreative, boring, plain like ohmygod they released a new costume and it's just stupid shirt and pants again for men. And the hairstyles???? It's just short hair in mildly different fonts. This is why I really prefer female characters, just more pizzazz, glitz, glamour, and overall fab. You can strut like you're a goddess ingame like the unique bombastic diva you are, in the midst of the plaintain faceless NPC male characters.
Everyone should practice their divine right to SERVE their CUNTRY!!! I said what I said!