I finished it

Thimmy October 27, 2024 7:32 pm

So here I am, trying to give my opinion.

Firsr of all, the hail he had lot of come came into him. Bruh he is messed up. What is wrong of the people around him. I do understand he loved Jisung but naur he iz out of the picture when he left him.

So Mujin murdered the doctor village, not good since there might be innocent doctor in the village but thoze hoez desurve it for attempting to sape Cho-Ah. But deym with those kind of character, not even trying to tame a beast. He must've smart enough that that man is obsezzed with him. It could be a good start to atleast tame and leash him. He could reign a nation jf he was smart with his move.

Okay, dont shame me. I am just thinking wisely. There could be a possibility that he couldnt be tamed but at least he shouldve tried. He tried when he lost his memory but Mujin also tried to be a better person.

It is all twisted, trust me. The killing doesnt justify at all but the Yusaran? Satisfaying. The saper? Mind boggling. Kidding.

So, I guess. Poor Cho-ah for having a kind soul and still wrapped on Sura's wrath.
