ya i agree and it feels also a bit unfair, idk. bc it's not women irl who have the stereotype of drugging and assaulting ppl over objectification it just feels a bit unjust to see this type of gender representation as if women in all cultures are often victim of these crimes. but poor ml fr, going through all that shit, but youre telling me he hasnt met one female person who isnt a straight psychopath with a cock-craving agenda

That's a good point too. At the same time there's male victims too ofc, but giving such a him vs the evil women pov is plain dumb. It's oversimplifying male trauma too.
It's supposed to be part of this grand plan by the Queen and Princess - yet you're telling us all they've been doing is sending ML hoes with drugs non-stop, for years? Nothing to switch it up? He's been married for so long too, why did they not do something about it until just recently?
I personally don't really feel all that bad for FL tho, she doesn't seem to mind the marriage itself. She got money and financial success out of it, and honestly she didn't read as a pathetic left-at-home wife either. Neither her nor ML particularly cared for their bond, or at least that's how I read into it. But yea, she would be way better off without him and high society politics.
Her behaviour towards ML, being all smiles and calling him dear is very ?? to me, with that said. I don't understand where she gets all this affection from, even if she's the chipper type. Even she as a person is just set up to stun ML with her "uwu I'm not like the other girls"-charm, which feels so cheap bc of all the things we just mentioned.

no i totally agree w you, i also reread what i wrote and idk if it was interpreted this way but i still think i worded it wrong, but when i said unjust/unfair i was saying it felt unfair that the author was portraying all women but the fl with such a negative and predatory stereotype that irl, is associated with men and misogyny with women as the victim of such sexism. i just wanted to clarify that since rereading what i wrote, it kinda sounded like i was saying ur view was unfair when i 100% agree w you LOL. like no hate to fl, but i dont sympathize w her since tbh she's kinda living the most ideal relationship for anyone who doesnt see romance as a top priority. and ml, poor him but yah like wtf is he doing lol? like dude needs to go outside and meet normal people and idk make friends. i also totally agree that their relationship is just weird, and their personalities seem incompatible given their backgrounds and the ml's biases. tbh i think if ml just needs to like make more female friends bc hes acting like shes quirky and unique but like, homegirl is just living her life like everyone else
I have to stop at chapter 7 rq because like, I'm not 100% sure this is just a me-thing, but this whole "women are demons" pov from ML is so???
Nothing against the trauma being there, sounds reasonable, but it's crazy that e v e r y woman this guy meets tries to drug him e v e r y t i m e in some way - or at least it sounds like the guy never met a sane woman besides that redhead maybe.
It feels cartoonish to me, like the story artificially made every other woman look bad so ML would have an excuse to neglect FL.