
Dude lmao how delusional you are xd you try to do something bad such as destroy his company and you expected from ml what ? Be like okay you can do that like go touch some grass or go outside stop with this fantasy way of thinking and when you do something bad don't expect the other one to treat you okay when you were going to do him dirty like omg can't believe what you just wrote xddd
Someone included this series in a list of green flag MLs and bitxh where???
Green flag HOW?
The ML SAs and sexually harasses the MC A LOT. It was disgusting. The author actually portrayed him ignoring the MC's wishes as cute?? sometimes and each time I felt like I was losing brain cells.
Either way, I held on to hope that it would get better BUT IT DIDNT! More than 40 chapters in and the ML is still trash. Like he has absolutely no idea of the existence of consent. The only reason that things werent worse in this work is because the MC is way stronger than the ML and physicallly retailiates. If the MC wasnt capable of literally throwing the ML on his back, this work would have had a lot more gross SA