is this your first day on mangago? there is bunch of djs about minors on here and morally-questionable stuff but you commenting and acting like moral police under the said stuff isn’t gonna change anything other than you looking kind of stupid. if you don’t like something just ignore it and move on w your life and currate your own experience on the internet to enjoy it.

1. It's not "child porn". You can't make "porn" of a child. Call it by it's actual name, CSAM or CSEM. Sexual images or videos of real children is abuse & exploitation.
2. Fictional characters are not real children. They are pixels. They are lines on paper. They don't have autonomy, they do not have a will of their own, they are dolls we can play with.
3. Fictional & sexual fantasies have little to do with your morals in real life.
4. It's an unsaid rule that on the internet anything can exist, if something that doesn't harm *real* people exists & it disgusts you or upsets you: While your feelings are valid & even understandable > You need to ignore it & move on.
Hope this helps. Have the day you deserve.
Someone alywyas has to ruin ships