Please read the update from the author.

bbyeol October 26, 2024 4:47 am

The author posted a very long messages on her sns.

“Hello, this is Geonhan.

I am very sorry that it took so long for me to come back with a notice like this. I had intended to write a brief review and notice when Love Jinx ended, but the situation continued to be bad, so I only delivered the manuscript and was unable to post any notice. I feel that it would be disrespectful to the readers who loved the work to finish it like this, so I am writing a long post now.

The reason I am posting a notice so late is because my physical and mental health were completely ruined to the point that I could not meet or contact anyone other than my family for a very long time and only continued to live in seclusion.

In 2020, when I started working on Love Jinx, I was diagnosed with depression due to work-related stress and was recommended treatment for more than a year,

but as I became more and more pressed for deadlines, I was unable to continue the treatment.

When Season 1 ended, the company gave me a two-month hiatus, and I needed a little more time off for health reasons.

At the time, my stomach was not good enough to require surgery, so I repeatedly asked the company to extend the hiatus for the surgery, but they all refused. In the end, I had to come back after a two-month hiatus without resolving the issue.

After that, I didn't want to be stressed again because of the hiatus period, so I just took a two-month hiatus for the final season 2 as before.

I was receiving treatment for depression during season 1 and my health wasn't as bad as it is now,

but from season 2, my lifestyle completely fell apart, my weight gained over 20kg, and my physical and mental condition began to rapidly deteriorate. Because of that, I'm really sorry, but I was often late and took a hiatus during seasons 2 and 3.

Then, in May of last year, I had a severe injury to my tailbone and pelvis and gained a lot of weight.

I couldn't walk because of severe pelvic (to be exact, sacroiliac joint, hip joint, and knee pain) pain that was so severe that I couldn't do anything for a while. While serializing, I had been running with only one goal in mind: to properly finish it, despite the depression. But due to depression and stress that had built up, my physical condition that made it impossible to work, and something happened a month or two before the end, and I couldn't get my mind right.

In addition, my mental state completely collapsed due to personal issues like my mother's surgery.

Even the drawings I used to like so much started to make me hate them and become so scary that I couldn't hold a pen for a long time.

Even so, I couldn't get away from thinking about my work for a single day, and I was frustrated, blamed, and regretted countless times.

All of those things remained as trauma to me, and it was painful to even mention or recall them, so I avoided everything and lived in hiding.

People around me tried to help me a lot, but I was in a state where I couldn't get better just because someone helped me.

It was my fight alone, and I had to overcome it on my own.

But time kept passing and there was no sign of improvement, so I gave up and tried to abandon myself many times.

It took about a year for my daily life to gradually return to normal and for me to break free from my reclusive lifestyle.

I have been focusing on a regular life, exercise, and treatment, and my condition has improved and I am now back to my normal weight. As I mentioned, my joint condition still makes it difficult to move sometimes, but it has improved a lot compared to before, and my mental health has also improved a lot to the point where I can write this notice.

I still can't draw properly, but there are still side stories that I really want to show you, so I plan to return to side stories when my health improves a bit more. However, I will also prepare for unexpected situations such as a hiatus during the series.

In order to avoid stress over serialization, I decided to update the side stories all at once after I finish working on them all.

I will notify you of the exact news later.

I promised myself several times that I would take better care of my health whenever I was late or on leave, but I never kept my promise.

This has led to repeated hiatuses and long-term hiatuses, and I haven't been able to deliver any news since last year. I sincerely apologize to my readers for everything that has happened due to my lack of self-management.

I finally found a way to continue my serialization in a healthy manner after I got seriously ill. I will work harder to never break my promise to my readers again and to continue my serialization in a healthy manner.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long post.”

    Izumi-Chan October 26, 2024 5:12 am

    I’m honestly glad the author took time to work on their health. I also appreciate the author for taking the time to write this post, I imagine it was not easy to give so much detail regarding their mental and physical health to the readers.

    I do hope their health continues to improves and that if they decide to create another story. To be able to work with a company that will provide better working conditions.

    There’s nothing worse than to feel burden from something you enjoy doing. Adding to the physical and mental health struggles.

    I also hope people did not leave mean comments to the author. The most important part here is that they are healing and slowly reconnecting with their love and passion for drawing.