
October 25, 2024 11:45 pm

A good portion of you cant seem to understand the nuance in the story and how FL is truly guilty just like her father and her own family. This is a tragedy, everytime I see someone complaining about the ML and how he’s “disillusioned” and even an “incel” I just know the person leaving the comment behind can’t actually fathom the complexity of the story. If you actually decided to dig deeper and use your head and heart to process the ML’s character you’ll come to understand why he acted the way he did and that even if there was a reason, it doesn’t make it right. ML has seen what his actions has done to FL and is trying to be better, isn’t this a cliche in tragedy romance? Like another commenter said, if you won’t “forgive ML” and “his development won’t change a thing” then.. okay! But why are you even here in the first place? It’s ML’s development that’s gonna be changing the story because this is.. once again a TRAGEDY and ROMANCE manhwa.

    iamb October 27, 2024 6:54 am
    I explained it in the rest of my comment if you want to reread it. And calling her willfully ignorant doesn’t mean she isn’t a victim of her circumstances. This isn’t something that is black OR white. Goo... Mausi

    Please explain how she CHOSE to remain ignorant.? That's confusing.. And it's not her responsibility or fault that people suffered. It's sad, but that's not on her. If you talk about how she lived, why wouldn't she live the way she was brought up and thought of as normal and didn't see the evil man behind the curtain. It happens, it doesn't make it her fault.

    iamb October 27, 2024 7:00 am
    Don't take this the wrong way but your view is very narrow and short sighted. The situation is very complex and has a lot of nuance to it, simplifying it to just "Anette isn't at fault for not knowing anything"...

    Wow, that's some pretty lofty comments.. I beg you to stop being so condescending to everyone who doesn't feel the same way as you do about this .

    iamb October 27, 2024 7:12 am
    I explained it in the rest of my comment if you want to reread it. And calling her willfully ignorant doesn’t mean she isn’t a victim of her circumstances. This isn’t something that is black OR white. Goo... Mausi

    Hypothetically, if I told you right now that every time you said the word 'chose' someone fainted from horrible pain. Why would you suspect it to be true? It's not within your understanding of the world. You have the power to search that out to be true, but why would you even think to do it? When you find out, you would feel terrible.. Hindsight creates the guilt you see in her character, and that is the layers and nuance of this story imo. She grieves for those that suffered because she DID NOT KNOW. That would be natural. It's not a fair feeling imo, but it's human nature. You might have all the reactions she is going through... but that never made it something she willfully did.

    October 27, 2024 7:24 am
    Wow, that's some pretty lofty comments.. I beg you to stop being so condescending to everyone who doesn't feel the same way as you do about this . iamb

    Rofl. Birds of a feather truly stick together, you aren't even listening to any of the actual points made and you're only going on and on with your opinion without bothering to listen to the other side. Mind you, the story itself says that Anette is guilty, Anette herself says that she feels guilty and that she could've done something, the story tells you that she is at fault for being ignorant. A good portion of you can't critically consume this story in the way it is meant to be consumed because you're so caught up in your opinion and refuse to acknowledge that being ignorant IS bad. I am not being "condescending" because you "don't feel the same way I do" about the manhwa, this isn't even about the manhwa anymore. That response was a direct critique to that person's mindset since they were advocating that being ignorant is OKAY.

    That is NOT the case and only ignorant people can say that ignorance is fine. Just like that person, YOU share that mindset and the reason why you both see me as "condescending" and "mean" is because I am saying that you guys don't understand the story, hence why you think Anette is 100% innocent. The situation is not white or black, it is GRAY. This situation is GENUINELY so mind boggling to me. It feels like talking to a person who thinks abortion should be illegal and them telling me to "respect their opinion" despite their opinion being harmful and morally wrong.

    October 27, 2024 7:26 am
    Please explain how she CHOSE to remain ignorant.? That's confusing.. And it's not her responsibility or fault that people suffered. It's sad, but that's not on her. If you talk about how she lived, why wouldn't... iamb

    She didn't choose to talk to the sister of the brother whose life her father tarnished?? Mind you the brown haired woman was outside their gate yelling and protesting and begging to talk to FL, FL KNEW something weird was going on but chose to not talk to that lady. This is literally also stated in the story about one of her biggest regrets. I'm begging you to reread the story and look at all the passages of Anette feeling immense guilt for being ignorant and the amount of times she thought of "If I had just done something else, could this have been changed/avoided?" Even Anette knows she's guilty, the story says she's guilty BUT ALSO A VICTIM, and you guys seem to think that saying she's guilty means she's not a victim when in truth NO ONE here said that Anette wasn't a victim, it's just that she is also GUILTY.

    October 27, 2024 7:37 am
    Hypothetically, if I told you right now that every time you said the word 'chose' someone fainted from horrible pain. Why would you suspect it to be true? It's not within your understanding of the world. You ha... iamb

    Unironically, you just explained how she wilfully chose to be ignorant by saying "Why would you even think to do it?" It is exactly because she didn't think of doing anything that she chose to be wilfully ignorant. She could've talked with the brown haired lady who was calling out for her before, but she chose not to, no? She decided to go back in her mansion and despite feeling unsettled and nervous, she chose to ignore the situation at hand because she wanted to just ignore it and be comfortable. At school, if you choose to be on leave, it is your responsibility to ask your classmates about what happened throughout the day, no? Say you only find out about a project one day before its deadline and you're too late, you find out that the project was explained when you were absent, you talk to the teacher and say you "didn't know because you weren't there" the teacher will most likely not accept that excuse and will instead chastise you for not asking your classmates, friends, or even your teachers about what you missed that day. THAT is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to find out what happened during that day because you are AWARE that you missed school that day.

    October 27, 2024 7:43 am
    Hypothetically, if I told you right now that every time you said the word 'chose' someone fainted from horrible pain. Why would you suspect it to be true? It's not within your understanding of the world. You ha... iamb

    Your mindset is harmful. I said it to that other person and idgaf I'll say it to you too. What you're advocating for enables people to remain ignorant solely because "knowing makes you sad and makes you feel guilty". White men should know about their privilege. Americans should know about their history and the things their government has done. People in third world countries should research on the people they choose as their leaders and they should know whether their government is doing anything or are just being corrupt. Excusing ignorance by saying "But you have no reason to do it" and "Why would you even think of doing that" isn't a good thing. When you vote for a president, you have to look at their policies, what they've done, their background, and more. Why? Because it WILL affect you as a citizen. Likewise, Anette should've been more curious about her father and how he ruled because the money she used was her father's and because she was the daughter of a monarch, she directly impacted the lives of commoners too.

    iamb October 27, 2024 8:54 am
    The fact that you are taking my reply as a personal attack and getting offended by it and saying that I’m “making you sound like a terrorist” when I am simply critiquing your mindset and telling you to ed...

    LOL, puh-lease, your arrogance knows no bounds. The 'internet ' is giving you permission to judge someone? Wow, that's powerful...but I think you ought to own it, it's your own sense of superiority. The fact that you think you are 'correcting' someone.. geesh. Your using a quote by a poet to prove something? For the love of god, please take a look at yourself first.

    October 27, 2024 9:25 am
    LOL, puh-lease, your arrogance knows no bounds. The 'internet ' is giving you permission to judge someone? Wow, that's powerful...but I think you ought to own it, it's your own sense of superiority. The fact t... iamb

    October 27, 2024 9:28 am
    LOL, puh-lease, your arrogance knows no bounds. The 'internet ' is giving you permission to judge someone? Wow, that's powerful...but I think you ought to own it, it's your own sense of superiority. The fact t... iamb

    You’re choosing to judge things solely on your own perspective and not even listening to the other side. And when you get called out, you tell them to stop judging you and that they’re arrogant and have a sense of superiority? Please be serious and stop being immature

    iamb October 27, 2024 8:13 pm
    You’re choosing to judge things solely on your own perspective and not even listening to the other side. And when you get called out, you tell them to stop judging you and that they’re arrogant and have a s...

    I don't feel judged.. I am offended for the commenter who spoke their opinion and was told they needed to 'educate' themselves, that their view is 'narrow and shortsighted', that they have a ' lack of social awareness', that they are being told they are like someone who doesn't understand racism and misogyny is bad, that the 'structure' of how their opinion was written was bad, haha. And I could go on and on with the insults that have been hurled at people who don't agree with you. Your critical thinking is flawed, it's clear. "Sin" is different things for different people. Not everyone believes as you . The comment section , like the internet, is filled with people who don't claim English as their first language. It's also filled with all different ages, and you don't know who you are admonishing, and I don't see why you think you have the right to do so. Here's a quote for you to ponder that, you know, goes around... " the more you learn, the less you know". Ponder it, people who think they know everything, can't learn new things.

    October 27, 2024 9:32 pm
    I don't feel judged.. I am offended for the commenter who spoke their opinion and was told they needed to 'educate' themselves, that their view is 'narrow and shortsighted', that they have a ' lack of social aw... iamb

    Do you genuinely think saying that being ignorant is okay is a good mindset to have. It's so ironic for you to call me condescending and arrogant for "using a quote" when you're turning around and doing the exact same things you accused me of doing. Notice how you're saying my critical thinking is flawed in response to my comment calling that person's mindset harmful (when it is)? Stop being a hypocrite and telling me "I have no right" to be criticizing others when you're doing the exact same thing with me.

    iamb October 28, 2024 2:03 am
    Do you genuinely think saying that being ignorant is okay is a good mindset to have. It's so ironic for you to call me condescending and arrogant for "using a quote" when you're turning around and doing the exa...

    I am criticizing you , true. I called you out.. you aren't an innocent.. You dumped on innocents who just expressed an opinion. I used your own tactics against you to show you how it feels. Using your own words often, and your techniques in my responses to try and shine a light on those repugnant gaslighting words your rained down on others. I don't deny it, at all. I guess we're done now.. I'll mute..