I think this is why I don’t really like their relationship like I could care less for them. The reason why they like each other is just so cliché and lame to me. It’s the typical he doesn’t like me for my looks he’s “different” from the rest when he’s really not he did like her in the beginning for mostly her looks he later on liked her because of her personality. Also, I could never choose a man I’ve only been with for a few months over my best friend. She’s acting like the victim, as if she didn’t agree to it. She chose to date him only for snacks like she’s dumb like what did she expect?

Maybe its a deadline or something, the story needs to enter a specific plot by end of year so tha author cant realistically dedicate a couple more chapters to a side character (the bestfriend) but must show in the story that Cirrus is now all alone.
Oh fck now i'm scared what'll happen to candy?? No plssss
why is she even that mad? her boyfriend doesn't trust her and she throws away a decade old friendship??