WHAT THE FUCK? THIS WAS SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENT? IN THE NOVEL RUBY FIRS5 GOES ON A AWHOLE BREAKDOWN ABOUT HOW MUCH SHE LOVED HIM AND THAT HE WAS WHAT SHE NEEDED ALL ALONG OR SOME SHIT LIKE THAT BEFORE HE WAKES UP AND CALLS HER “Foolish girl” IT WAS SO EMOTIONAL?? WHAT IS THIS??? Woah we can edit noww anyway I just wanted to add that she laughs in relief afterwards. I hate everything. I guess editing removes replies(I ranted cause I wanted the foolish girl scene so bad..heh..ch 109 btw..)
This isn't the full chapter though. You have to go to their website to read the full chapter. So maybe some of the stuff you're missing is because the translation team kept it on their website so this is kind of like a preview.
This isn't the full chapter though. You have to go to their website to read the full chapter. So maybe some of the stuff you're missing is because the translation team kept it on their website so this is kind o... Crylynn
WHAT THE FUCK? THIS WAS SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENT? IN THE NOVEL RUBY FIRS5 GOES ON A AWHOLE BREAKDOWN ABOUT HOW MUCH SHE LOVED HIM AND THAT HE WAS WHAT SHE NEEDED ALL ALONG OR SOME SHIT LIKE THAT BEFORE HE WAKES UP AND CALLS HER “Foolish girl” IT WAS SO EMOTIONAL?? WHAT IS THIS??? Woah we can edit noww anyway I just wanted to add that she laughs in relief afterwards. I hate everything. I guess editing removes replies(I ranted cause I wanted the foolish girl scene so bad..heh..ch 109 btw..)