So are they saying we might get 5 seasons? If act2 is seasons 2 and 3... then yaay!!! But ...

justwannaread October 25, 2024 8:46 am

So are they saying we might get 5 seasons? If act2 is seasons 2 and 3... then yaay!!! But then again, the title for act 2 does not bode well and if it's 2 seasons, then damn, I just know it's going to be angsty as hell and I don't know if i'm going to make it if it drags. Anyhoo, the storytelling is genius! Genius! I don't mind if this ends like season 5. They are the best read I've had by far

    Jongsoo October 25, 2024 9:00 am

    I think the story will have only 3 seasons.