I agree with this! Also, Noah mentioned it was a man with 'auburn hair,' and I don’t recall auburn being blonde(unless its a translation error). It’s possible it’s her brother (or possibly even her), and maybe the reason the mom tried to kill him was that she saw something evil in him. I don't think the mom would go mad for no reason.
I’d like to believe she isn’t crazy and that she actually sees ghosts, but things aren’t looking good for her, especially with her being suspected for murder.
My theory is that her double personality is the killer and that it keeps trying to frame the blonde guy cause he knows too much. I feel as tho the brother isn’t the killer because if so the spirits wouldn’t tell her to put it in someone else’s car… especially if he’s trying to frame her! But yea even the nephew is frightened by her when he recalls that one night they slept together. I think she went killing. That’s probably also why she sees these visions so vividly.
I believe that she can see ghosts like a medium and the same for her mother;
I also believe the killer may be her brother, he's the only who has access to her room and the house/has a masculine build and also 'light hair'. His sister would be the perfect person to pin it on as well, again I could be wrong.
Like in the popular TV show haunting of the hill house, maybe the mother had tried to kill him because she had encountered ghosts from the future of his victims, though it may be unlikely it'd be a cool idea
Though maybe the brother could be possessed by ghosts? If the sister can see and hear them I don't see why ghosts can't have influence on him. This is also supported by people's spoilers on how it really is ghosts which is cool.
Or he actually is the one with a split personality, who knows