Jesus fuck

Roses October 24, 2024 6:31 pm

Well this is disappointing, I'll stick around for how they deal with this. If it's just brushed under the rug I'll probably drop it. This looked so promising but ofc I should've known better

    P.S. October 24, 2024 8:15 pm

    I've read the raws. This event was not even mentioned as something negative afterwards. Just treated like normal s*x. They keep on behaving normally after this and plot goes on.

    Roses October 24, 2024 10:36 pm
    I've read the raws. This event was not even mentioned as something negative afterwards. Just treated like normal s*x. They keep on behaving normally after this and plot goes on. P.S.

    Of fckn course thanks for letting me know, I'm so disappointed knowing me I'll probably come back when the seme goes through his regret and redemption arc and to see how it ends but I really wish this was written without SA, or at least properly addressed it

    P.S. October 25, 2024 5:13 pm
    Of fckn course thanks for letting me know, I'm so disappointed knowing me I'll probably come back when the seme goes through his regret and redemption arc and to see how it ends but I really wish this was writ... Roses

    Idk whether thay gonna come soon or not. Till now rhe seme is just getting jealous of uke for not paying all attention to him and then uke's loansharks gonna come into scene and then it'll be like maiden in distress scenario. Pretty cliche till now. But I'll see you around. Little bit emotions in the sex would really be great instead of fucking like rabbits just for the smuts.