
Exactly, I do see it in a perspective that the Angels actually do not understand humanity for the possible primary reason that they're not human to begin with but a personification of a standardized intangible moral compass. We (readers) stress over the incompetence of the Angel System because we're humans who understand the complexity of real life situations.
I think it's a good piece of story device that we can actually note on this manhwa for alluding that morality, by standard, is broken and incompetent and that the decision is ultimately yours to make and to decide.
Despite the comical stress for the past few chapters, I love the tidbits of good moral dialogues here and there. The majority of human beings have a tendency to have their own personal litmus test to see how a stranger or any individual aligns to their personal moral compass. Everyone has different basis the same way how the angels created different tests. Political Corruption for the sake of a terminally ill loved one versus the Trolley Problem are two different moral tests. In an economical and sociological perspective, political corruption is not a linear dilemma. Denying political corruption even if it means letting your loved one miss an important treatment doesn't solve corruption itself, one person can't cleanse the government - that just means it's another pain point in the system Wooyeol is just adding fuel to a forest fire that's been burning for a hundred years basically. Compared to a trolley problem that doesn't consider other factors, just the fact that you can choose your loved one or five strangers. The life of more or the life of one at that very moment. Poverty, social standing, economy, and whatsoever do not matter. Just the lives of six people.
Wooyeol basically just showed them how people will act Textbook Good and Bad depending on the situation, the way you prioritize matters, and the scale of the consequences. Sometimes you do it for your own good, sometimes for a loved one, sometimes to save as much people as you can. Deciding someone's stand on morality can't just be based on one aspect alone, and the moment you find it difficult to weigh someone due to the way you constructed your own moral compass, then maybe there's just more to learn and more to see and understand in this world in your life.
That aside, I miss Wooyeol and Seongah (the Original), I hope they reunite soon both of them are already going crazy .